It began to rain before we go to canteen for supper, a bit cold but not very heavy, just declaring the coming of autumn.
When i was a little bored up with the rain about nine o'clock, my roommate sent me messages in which she worried about the rain.So it became not so cold, making me warm enough for a venture,riding in the rain, the same thing i had done one night last year, lonely.
The soon before i just would head out into the rain, XiaoYuan, one of my learning friends who learn together in the same classroom for the same purpose, caught me up, and gave me his umbrella.
"what about you and your notebook?"I asked.
He said it is much easier for him to go back, there are two guys would walk with him, just a few minutes. Though I still worried about his notebook, but he insist of it.
The way back to home riding with an umbrella was quite easy and different, as though the rain was falling in my hometown and i was still in my childhood, always running into the southern rain.Loneness made me so sensible.

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